1. Safety first…
Always think of your safety first. It is easy to get carried away with the excitement of meeting someone for the first time, but this is when you can become vulnerable.
2. Tell others…
Make sure you tell others where you are going, what time you will be back, and who you are meeting. Take a mobile phone with you in case you need to contact them.
3. Somewhere you know…
Meet somewhere familiar to you and in a public place.
4. Easy with the drink…
Don’t drink too much. You risk impairing your judgement by drinking too much, making yourself vulnerable, not to mention embarrassing yourself.
5. Eyes open…
Always keep an eye on your belongings, including your drink and never leave them unattended.
6. Don’t assume…
Don’t assume the date will end up in a more private location, such as your bedroom. You will give the impression you are only after one thing, which isn’t the impression you want to give on a first date.
7. End on a high…
Don’t be scared to end the date when it suits you. If you want a friend to pick you up, make a pre-arranged time and stick to it. Don’t drag the date out until you run out of conversation; end it on a high.
8. Getting there… and back…
Make your own travel arrangements to and from the date. Don’t allow your date to make the arrangements for you as you will be putting them in control of your personal safety.
9. Be polite…
At the end of the date always thank your date for spending time with you, whether the date was successful or not.
10. Second date?
Never feel pressurised into arranging a second date.