A picture says a thousand words…
Having a picture, of you, attached to your online dating profile is vital. Many people will not even look at a profile unless it has a picture with it and many sites, including Completely Free Dating, allow you to filter your search results to only show profiles with pictures. Think of someone searching the site as a window shopper and you are the shopkeeper trying to attract them in to your shop, you wouldn’t leave the shop window empty would you!
Make sure you upload a photo of yourself that is good quality and high resolution. Preferably make the image a head shot and smile. Try to use an image that is a true representation of yourself at the current time, not an image from 20 years ago or one from the makeover and photoshoot you had on your birthday last year where you got a photo of yourself that is stunning but even your mum would not recognise you. Also, never include anyone else in the photo as people might not know which one you are.
It also helps to use a photo for your dating profile that is different or unusual. You could get a better response from people viewing the profiles if your picture stands out and is attention-grabbing.
If you do not have a photo of yourself, get one. Most mobile phones now have a camera that will take a reasonable photo (in the right light) and digital cameras are relatively cheap but if you are completely stuck I’m sure someone you know will have a digital camera you could borrow. Remember, without a photo, there is a greater possibility you could be overlooked.
See our top tips for choosing the right online dating profile photo.
Creating a User Name…
Aim to make your user name unique and personal to you. Try not to make it too long or difficult to pronounce. Being able to pronounce your user name may sound a little strange, but it could come in handy when you start to meet people face to face. Some people choose to use their user name when meeting people for the first time, either to protect themselves or because this is the name other online users have known them as and it has just stuck with them.
Creating a Headline…
The headline gives you the opportunity to write a few words to attract someone to your profile, so it is important it is well crafted. Avoid using cheesy headlines such as “I might be the one you are looking for”. Many online dating members use catchphrases like this, but you may be seen as being no different from everyone else and therefore you will not stand out. Think of something different or unique to use as your headline.
It can help to do some research to see what other people use as their headline. If you carry out a search and see a particular headline pop up again and again, then avoid using it as your profile may not stand out from the others with the same headline. If you are stuck and don’t know what to write as your headline it may help to look at other peoples profiles as you may get some inspiration.
Describe yourself…
The description box is there for you to tell everyone who you are and what you like, so use it. It is entirely up to you how much information you write about yourself. Do not just write something like “Ask me anything…” or start out negative like “I feel strange writing about myself…” This is your opportunity to shine and to let others know about you. Give a good detailed description of who you are, where you are (approximately), what you do for work and what you enjoy doing in your free time. Don’t just write long lists of things, but instead pick one or two and write about them in some detail. It may help to brainstorm on a piece of paper some things you’d like to share, for example, any hobbies, your interests, family or work. Once you have brainstormed your ideas, pick out the ones you think other people will find the most interesting. Try to keep your online dating profile positive, so never say what you do not like as this will make you sound negative.
Once you have completed your online dating profile read it back and check the spelling and grammar. If you are not confident, write your profile in a word processor like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer which are able to check the spelling and grammar for you. You can always email your profile to a friend or family member to ask them to read through it for you. Once you are happy that everything is correct, read it again just to make sure.
Tell the truth…
Always, always, always tell the truth. There is absolutely no point in lying as at the end of the day your goal is to meet someone special. If you lie from the start in your online dating profile, you will lose the trust of your date when you meet them in person
Don’t over-egg the pudding…
People hate people that brag almost as much as people who lie. You want to sell yourself, but you don’t want to come across as an arrogant know-it-all. Tell people about yourself but don’t exaggerate and avoid phrases like “I’m the best at…”
Stand out from the crowd…
Aim to write a profile that stands out and brings a smile to the readers face. By making your profile memorable you stand a good chance of being contacted.
Most online dating profiles contain the same things over and over again with people just saying things like “I love to have fun!!!” which is just obvious, who doesn’t. Tell people about something that makes you different. If you go skydiving or rock climbing put it in your profile and tell people about it. For example:
“I love skydiving and try to go at least two or three times a month. Normally we fly out of Biggin Hill and dive over Kent or Sussex. Maybe you could come with me sometime!!!”
Top Ten Tips – Writing an Online Dating Profile
Use our top 10 writing an online dating profile tips as a quick writing reference.